Our recipe for success: tutoring with a tried and tested educational strategy!
More and more pupils use tutoring at least once in the course of their school career. Many pupils only require short-term assistance; others need longer-term professional support to consciously work towards good grades.Our aim is to stop your child feeling out of depth at school and to help your child regain confidence. To achieve this, we base our work on a tried and tested educational strategy.
Find out more about Tcollege and our successful learning strategy that is guaranteed to help and entertain your child.
Your Tcollege team
“There is only one thing in the long run more expensive
than education: no education.”
John F. Kennedy
Services Improve maths skills Franchise
New in Russia
In Russia, Tcollege exclusively offers the groundbreaking and award-winning learning software "Calcularis" for students with math problems.
Tcollege exclusively presents Calcularis, a newly developed innovative tutorial against learning weaknesses in maths and Dyscalculia. more
Swiss Quality Education
A successful Swiss Concept
Tcollege continues the Swiss school tradition, which began more than 200 years ago with Heinrich Pestalozzi, the founder of pedagogy. more
Tcollege continues the Swiss school tradition, which began more than 200 years ago with Heinrich Pestalozzi, the founder of pedagogy. more
News Archive
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Learning difficulty involving numbers
Teaching is supported by an award-winning, scientifically proven learning programme (Maths as a system)
Learning difficulty involving numbers
Teaching is supported by an award-winning, scientifically proven learning programme (Maths as a system)next